Start Your Referral
Referral Amounts:
LPN/RN: $500 Locum Positions: $1,000 Hard-to-Fill Specialty Positions: $800* (ask us about qualifying specialties!)
Candidate needs to be placed within 3 months of the referral to earn the bonus.
This offer excludes anyone who has already applied to a specific opening or currently working with a GQR Healthcare, Uniti Med, or Recruiting Resources recruiter.
Only one referral is payable per candidate.
In the case of multiple referrals being received for the same candidate, only the first person to make the referral is eligible for the bonus.
The candidate must complete all contracted hours and the full contract term (13 weeks).
No bonus will be paid if the candidate is terminated due to misconduct or if the candidate voluntarily leaves their assignment early.
Bonuses will be paid within 2 weeks of assignment completion.
GQR's decision regarding qualifications for any referral is final.
Not an employee of GQR, Uniti Med, or Recruiting Resources? No problem! Just submit a W9 and direct deposit form to receive your payment.
Submit Your Referral Today!